Monday, June 4, 2012

explore. discover

So...hello! This post comes to you from my new home in Sydney, Australia!

3 weeks down and so far, so good. The move went well. I'm settling in and getting out exploring this fabulous (and freaking HUGE) city. I'm enjoying time with my new roomie and getting to know her better (and her wonderful, crazy friends). Me (left) & my roomie (right)

I've had some fun doing what I love maybe a little too much (those of you who know me will know that I'm talking about shopping)

I've relaxed in Hamilton Island and been snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. An absolute MUST! so amazing!

I've had a fleeting visit from my bestest lady on her way home from China and I've caught up with a beautiful friend from back home who has called Sydney her home for 2 years.

After a bit of down time, I've gotten stuck in to creating my life here - I've bought a car, been applying for jobs and learning to find my way around. 4 interviews down (one of which was a 2nd interview), 2 job offers so far - but the one I really want is still to get back to me. Fingers crossed!!! (obvious slight change to original plan, for those of you who know me)

I have found what could just be my favourite spot in Sydney so far. i am so grateful to new friends for sharing the spot with me....take a look. so peaceful, relaxing, and reminds me a little of home. Introducing: Nielsen Park...

i really feel like this move has definitely been the right thing for me right now. i am relishing the new adventures and the new challenges...and rediscovering ME.

i am learning more about my own strengths. my own passions. my own dreams and hopes.
who i am and what really makes me tick

Sydney is still so undiscovered to me. there is still so much to see and do! that is really exciting to me. it's refreshing and reviving. it's uplifting.

i'm looking forward to many more new friends and experiences.
for once, i feel like i am in the right place at the right time.

this is definitely an important chapter in my journey.

no regrets. just love