Monday, October 25, 2010

excitement levels are UP!

so. i only have 2 more days of work until i am on VACAY!!!!!
i think it's obvious that i'm more than just a little bit excited about this.

i have 2 reasons for being excited.
firstly. i only have 2 more sleeps until i see my beautiful sister in wellington. i get to spend 2 nights with her there.
then. on saturday, i fly out to bremen, germany to see my mister! will spend just over 2 weeks there with him, and of course relaxing as much as poss. once i get home, it will only be 5 weeks until he is home. it's nice to break up the 3 months apart. that makes it much more manageable.

having something to look forward to has seemed to work wonders with me.
when there's nothing exciting coming up, i tend to get in a 'slump'. i get a bit down cos i don't have anything to look forward to. but by breaking things up like this, it helps me stay positive and chirpy(ish).

for those who live in new zealand, you'll know we've just had labour weekend. possibly the best public holiday weekend ever besides christmas! i love it because once labour weekend hits, you know it's really not that long til christmas...and of course the weather is usually mint and only gets better from here on in!

so yeah. i've got lots to look forward to at the mo.
just had labour weekend (which meant a long weekend).
then 2 more days of work. that's exciting in itself
then kylie in wellys
then rhys in germany
then home (hopefully) in time for lindsay's hen's night!!!
lindsay and dan's wedding
then rhys home 3 weeks after that
then christmas
then new years
and 2 weeks off work
and SUMMER!!!!!!!!!

i really can't complain.
life really IS good.
and i am grateful to be living mine.

have a good week my lovely followers.
thank you for your support in my journey
love you all

Sunday, October 17, 2010


oops. my bad.
have been absent from my blogging duties for a while now.
not sure what happened. just not had anything much to say.

the last few weeks have been a bit of a roller-coaster.
nothing major has happened. but i've just been beaten up a bit emotionally.
mostly by myself.
and mostly about things that are totally stupid. and not worth fretting over.

i've had to have some serious talks with myself.
been blunt. been real.

for me, having depression has hit me the most in my perception of my relationships.
i don't feel like i am my full self. i don't like me much, so i don't believe anyone else truly likes me much either.
my mind tricks me into thinking that people just pretend to like me. that they don't really like me, and when i'm not there they talk about me and say mean things.
my mind tells me i shouldn't trust people.
my mind tells me that people don't enjoy spending time with me. so i don't ever try to spend time with people. i'd hate to bore them all to death.

i've had to convince myself that there are people in my life who love me, just as i am.
i've had to convince myself that it's okay if there are people who don't absolutely love hanging out with me.
not everyone gets on with everyone.
that's just a normal thing. a human thing. a life thing.
people who don't like me, aren't worth my time stressing about.
focus on the people who do like me. the people who love me. the people who i love and care about.

again. my mantra is:
focus on the positive. forget the negative.

too much negative kills the positive.
i want to fill my life with the positive.
it is, by far, more beautiful.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

fun with hipstamatic

iPhone has a fab new app. called Hipstamatic. it lets you create vintage style pics. shake the iPhone and it randomly selects a new lens and style for you.
i love the effect. love the look of the pics.
i'll have lots of fun with this!

october brings the sunshine...

wow. the weather has been SO gorgeous the last few days.
summer is on its way.

today after work i lay out on the grass and read a book. beauty. (photo was taken much later...sun has gone off my blankey)

sunshine makes my heart sing. it's hard to have a down day when the sun is smiling so obviously in the sky. i love summer. i love the sun. i love the feel of summer - friend hangouts, bbqs, beach, vinos.