Thursday, December 16, 2010

not long now...

ok. so, my bad. i've been a bit slack on the old 'today was a good day because...' posts.
life just gets so busy sometimes, and Christmas time is definitely the worst (but in a good way).

i went to the doctor today, because i am SO OVER my insane hayfever...and it turns out i've got another sinus infection. oh joy. and that's why my sinus has been so extreme so far this season. but at least now i've got the drugs to make it better. and maybe it'll be all cleared up by the time the mister comes home! (which is only 6 more sleeps, did you know?!?!?)

but - today was a good day still because i managed to get all the Christmas presents, for the kids at work to take home, practically finished today! and they look super awesome, i'm really stoked with how they turned out. everyone has worked really well together to get them done, and i took the photos and got them printed today, so they are now complete. yay!!!

tomorrow is going to be a busy day - photos with amber in the morning (getting her portfolio ready for her new company)...then getting things sorted for The Little Big Markets on Saturday! I really really REALLY hope the rain stays away for saturday. Kylie (from ReallyReally Design) and I have been preparing for this for a couple of weeks now, and we are all ready and totally pumped for it. If you are free this Saturday (from 9am until 2pm) then totally come and check us out! little bit nervous, but it should be a bit of fun...and a good way to get my stuff known i guess.

then tomorrow night is our staff work do....should be a laugh - we're having it at Cobb'n'Co! old school or what?!?!

anyway. i am SUPER DOOPER excited that it is only 6 more sleeps until the mister is home. i'm about to go to bed now and when i wake up it will only be 5!!!!! can't wait til he is home. i know he is working really hard and deserves a nice summer holiday. we have so much planned for the next 3 months! there is so much stuff to look forward to! (which, of course, makes me very happy)

life is good right now. very good. and i really get a sense that things are only going to get better.

1 comment:

  1. Come nightingale, tell me the word.
    The mountain from which you came is blessed.
    The rose burns you, my love burns me.
    You are crying, I will also cry

