it's that time of year.
new years eve.
time for both reflection on the year that's passed, and looking forward to the year to come.
i don't believe in new years resolutions.
i believe in continually growing & challenging myself.....
....regardless of the date.
2012 has been an interesting year, to say the least.
a lot of growth....a lot of learning
quite possibly the most difficult year of my life.
but at the same time....possibly the most liberating & beneficial year.
yes, I still have a LONG way to go
yes, I will still have my bad days
yes, I still need to learn to love myself
yes, I still need to learn to trust again
but I am grateful for the things I have learned.
I am grateful for the people i've met.
i am proud of how far I have come
i accept my journey & embrace the growth that is still to come
2013 is going to be an exciting and, again, challenging year - but challenging in a positive way
for those who read my last'll no doubt be wanting to know where my path leads next....
i can now make the 'announcement'
this little kiwi is spreading her wings again.
new places
new people
new learning
new adventures
i have accepted a position as Head of Nursery at an international school in China!!!!!!!
i can not contain my excitement!
i am so thankful for the amazing opportunity and it's definitely one that I wasn't going to pass up!
even though our paths may not take the direction we have planned...or imagined...or hoped
sometimes, the unchartered path, the unexpected changes, the so-called 'speed bumps' in life bring the most reward.
just sometimes, the 'spanner in the works' is actually the best thing that could've ever happened to you
it's not what happens to you that matters, but your response to it.
2013 is a year for living my life.
no regrets. just love
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